Little child all tucked in bed
Looking like a sleepy head
Stars are quiet in the skies
Little child, now close your eyes.
The Sleepy Book, Margaret Wise Brown
Little Willow Mae has a favorite teddy that she likes to snuggle with under her favorite hand knit blanket. But, most of all, she has a favorite daily routine...being tucked in at night by her mama. There is nothing like going to bed at the day's end, tucked in by the person who loves you more than anything in the whole universe. There is nothing like the coziness of the bed, cuddled inside the warmth of a home, made with love by the hands of a mother.
Motherhood...a world filled all at once by the deepest love we can know as human beings and by the greatest aches we can ever experience. The heartaches are all different...for some it may be a longing for a child, just a single child, for some it may be a longing for many many children, for some it may be a longing for doubles, for some a longing for a second, a third or a fourth child, for some a longing for a boy and for some a longing for a girl. In motherhood, there will always be a longing for something that might be missing and it isn't out of ungratefulness for what we already have, but rather out of knowing that bringing life into the world will birth in us the ability to know of a kind of love that we never knew existed before.
Willow Mae is a Wee-Bee Mini Elfcup doll. She stands less than 6" (15 cm) tall. She is made with all natural materials. Her doll skin is made with premium quality cotton interlock imported from Europe. She is firmly stuffed with bio-wool made in Oregon. Her seams are sewn twice for reinforcement. Her locks are made of mohair yarn tied into two sweet pigtails. She has embroidered facial features. Her facial structure is sculpted giving her a sweet little face with an itty-bitty chin, round chubby cheeks and deeper set eyes. Her cheeks, nose and various body parts are blushed with red beeswax. She is a sitting doll with sewn joints that are made flexible for easy movement and changing of clothes. But, with some posing, she is also able to stand. She also has a belly button and a bum.
Willow Mae comes wearing her comfy cozy pajamas made of 100% cotton. She also comes with an Easter outfit. Her Easter dress is a sweet, soft rose colored handknit dress made from an angora, wool blended yarn by Rowan. Her bunny hat is hand knit with a 100% fine alpaca yarn and has a cotton floral fabric sewn into the inner ear. Her shoes are hand knit with a 100% fine alpaca yarn.

Willow Mae comes with two tiny favorite belongings, an itty-bitty teddy bear and a sweet lacy hand-knit blanket. Her teddy bear is needle felted with 100% wool roving and he stands 1 inch (2.5 cm) tall. Her blanket is hand knit with an ultra-soft yarn made of a suri alpaca and merino wool blended yarn and measures 4 square inches (10 square cm). Willow Mae also comes bearing some eensie-weensie Easter eggs in a tiny basket. Each little egg was needle felted with 100% wool roving. Each of the eggs measure 0.5 inches (1 cm) long and is the size of the tip of a finger. Willow Mae's Easter basket is handknit from a Japanese kakishibu dyed 100% silk fiber.
Willow Mae.....for a mother....a little girl to call her very own.