We've had a proper winter here...as proper as it can get near the coast of Northern California anyway.
Days bring skies painted with fog and clouds, beautiful and heavy with rain.

In December, rain down poured on us leaving a much needed saturation of the ground and a filling of the lakes and reservoirs, albeit the destruction that was caused in some parts of the local terrain.

At the end of it all we received many rainbows to be enjoyed.
2015's January welcomes us with cold, cold days and nights and frosty mornings.

And these, my friends, are wonderful blessings. What a fabulous way to start another year of life.
With that said, Scarlet Elfcup is still in her first year of life...9 months old, she is. As it is with babies and pretty much anything that is in it's first year, there is such exponential growth...the learning, the processing, the experiments on what works, what doesn't. Most delightful is watching the change that occurs and being amazed and bewildered by how rapidly it occurs in that first year.
In 2014, several creations were brought to life:
Rainbaby, a creation inspired from our long spell of drought. Though they have stirred and woken to bring us some good rain, we are still in need of more. Rainbabies, I have decided, will always be here. They were Scarlet Elfcup's very first creations and a personal favorite and I will keep them to send along as companions for some Elfcup friends.
Gardien was released early on as a prototype for the idea of pocket dolls. Since then Gardien has evolved into something even more fun and lovely....the Wee-Bee Mini Elfcup.
I love love love making Wee-Bees. So, without a doubt, these little darlings will stay and we will watch them change and evolve yet even more.
As for the rest; Softlings, Owls and Kitties, and the 14" dolls...their future is a mystery. What is for certain, is that they will evolve either into a better version of themselves or into something completely different altogether.
Additionally, I would like to proudly announce that I have baby fever! Yes, friends...it is the fever. As such, some Elfcup baby patterns are in the making. When they will be ready for release, I'm still not certain. But, for sure, they will be coming round the mountain this year.
Let the adventure begin, shall we?!