Gardien (ˈgärdēən)
noun: gardien; plural noun: gardiens
1. a defender, protector, or keeper
2. a person who looks after and is responsible for the trees, flowers and plants who are unable to manage their own affairs
synonyms: protector, defender, preserver, custodian, warden, guard, keeper; conservator, curator, caretaker, steward, trustee
"Camylleah has been Gardien of the flower beds for a hundred and twenty-six years"
late Middle English: from Old French garden, of Germanic origin; compare with ward and warden. The ending was altered by association with -ien.
"Look, what's coming!" and with a shout of delight the children left their play and rushed into the garden. What do you think they saw?
A row of itty-bitty clothes hanging up to dry...There is no surer sign of spring than the sight of a line of miniature garments flapping in the wind.
Spring's arrival marks the beginning of new life. The trees come into bud, tiny new shoots poke their way through the soil, and hundreds of beautiful flowers burst into color. While humans enjoy the sight of all this blossoming, Gardiens come out of their winter hibernation into the warmth of the spring sun.
Gardiens are the keepers of the environment. They come around spring to protect and tend to the garden...the flowers, the trees, the plants and bushes. Gardiens are children forever...they never grow and they never age. They only sleep underground for long spells during the cold winter months. And when spring arrives they come up and out to do their duty. Yes, I know...their title gives them much bigger responsibilities than such a little person is seemingly able to live up to, doesn't it? But, they are Gardiens and you can be sure they do their job perfectly well. However, they are children after all. And children are....well....children. They love to play.
Listen and you'll hear them...talking, laughing, giggling, chattering away in their own little world. And if you look around real hard, you'll see them....
Gardiens are the best of friends. They are full of character and they are each as different as can be, yet they get along so well.
A few of them have gone off to tend to various gardens around. But, a few are left awaiting new homes.
First is April. When not tending to her flowers and plants, laying in the sun and watching clouds drift above is her second favorite thing to do in the whole world.
April is a little over 5” long and is made with cotton interlock and stuffed with clean carded wool. Her hair is fluffy mohair crocheted into a wig. Her ponytail is tied tightly with ribbon and is permanently fixed. She is wearing a floral cotton dress with an elastic collar and nickel-free snaps at the back.
Next is Olive. She is a strong-headed Gardien. Though she may look dainty, she is fierce as fierce can be when it comes to being the custodian of her garden space. Once when a big black crow encroached upon one of her lilies she bravely scared it off with just her loud roaring voice.
Olive is a little over 5” long and is made with cotton interlock and stuffed with clean carded wool. Her hair is fluffy mohair crocheted into a wig. Her ponytail is tied tightly with ribbon and is permanently fixed. She is wearing a variegated pink hand-knit dress made of 85% merino wool and 15%mulberry silk.
Then we have the twins, Julianna and Juniper. Though they are twins and the best of friends they are different as different can be. Julianna is rambunctious and wild and loves all things girly. While Juniper is quiet and mellow and loves being a tomboy.
Julianna is a little over 5” long and is made with cotton interlock and stuffed with clean carded wool. Her hair is fluffy mohair crocheted into a wig. Her ponytail is tied tightly with ribbon and is permanently fixed. She is wearing a blue variegated hand-knit dress made of Madeleine Tosh 100% merino wool.
Juniper is a little over 5” long and is made with cotton interlock and stuffed with clean carded wool. Her hair is fluffy mohair crocheted into a wig. Her ponytail is tied tightly with ribbon and is permanently fixed. She is wearing a pink variegated hand-knit top made of 85% merino wool and 15% mulberry silk. She has on a pair of striped gray and white cotton pants.
These Gardiens are now available for purchase in the Etsy Shop.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Gardiens are suited for children 5+ due to the small and delicate parts on them.